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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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2005 Complaint Examiner Decisions

2005 Complaint Examiner Decisions The following decisions have been issued by complaint examiners resolving complaints filed with the Office of Police Complaints:.


Complaint Number Decision Date Harassment Excessive Force Language/Conduct Discrimination Retaliation
03-0457 April 22, 2005 Sustained - Sustained - -
02-0467 May 4, 2005 Sustained - Sustained - -
04-0099 May 5, 2005 Insufficient Facts  Insufficient Facts  Insufficient Facts  - -
02-0392 May 16, 2005 Sustained Insufficient Facts  - - -
02-0464 May 24, 2005


Insufficient Facts

- Insufficient Facts/Unfounded - -
03-0243 July 7, 2005 Sustained - - - -
03-0459 August 16, 2005 Exonerated - Insufficient Facts  - -
05-0103 September 7, 2005 - Sustained in Part Insufficient Facts  - -
01-0411 October 7, 2005 Sustained Exonerated - - -
 03-0463   October 19, 2005 Sustained Sustained Sustained - -
02-0327  October 26, 2005 Unfounded Unfounded - - -
05-0110 November 14, 2005 Sustained Sustained - - -
02-0507 December 2, 2005 - Exonerated/Sustained - - -


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