(Washington, DC) – The Office of Police Complaints (OPC) will be presenting its Student Interactive Training (SIT) program to a group of first-year football student-athletes attending the University of Maryland College Park’s Brand U Summer Transitions Program on Thursday, July 9, 2015.
OPC’s SIT program focuses on promoting positive interactions between police officers and youth through role-playing and peer education. The SIT program also educates the youth on knowing their basic constitutional rights.
During the presentation, the students will have an opportunity to act out scenarios that deal with what to do if you’re stopped, searched, or arrested by the police. In addition, agency staff will explain how to file a police misconduct complaint with OPC if they feel their rights have been violated.
“Part of OPC’s job is to educate the community on how to deal with police interactions,” said Michael G. Tobin, OPC’s executive director. “Through our SIT program, individuals learn how to interact with law enforcement and make positive decisions.”
If you would like to have OPC at one of your community events, please call (202) 727-3838 or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/OfficeofPoliceComplaints.