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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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Office of Police Complaints Records 5,000th Complaint and 10,000th Citizen Contact

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Complaint statistics to be featured in forthcoming annual report

(Washington, DC) – The District of Columbia’s Office of Police Complaints (OPC) recently marked two milestones by recording its 5,000th complaint of police misconduct and its 10,000th citizen contact.   

The chief mission of OPC is to provide the public with an independent and impartial forum for the investigation and timely resolution of police misconduct complaints.

The agency opened in 2001, and has received 550 or more complaints in each of the past five years.  OPC has experienced increases in the volume of complaints in nine of the agency’s twelve years of operation.  

In February, OPC will release its Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012.  The report will provide statistical information relating to the agency’s investigation, adjudication, and mediation of citizen complaints.  The report will also feature the status of policy recommendations made to the Metropolitan Police Department, as well as highlight outreach efforts targeting certain communities.

For more information about OPC, visit our website at or visit our Facebook page at