(Washington, DC) – Two representatives from the Office of Police Complaints (OPC) recently participated in separate career events at Cesar Chavez Public Charter School that highlighted the contributions of Latino professionals in the District of Columbia.
OPC Investigator Crystal Rosa attended an event at the charter school’s Parkside campus on October 23, while another investigator, Arturo Sanchez, participated in a similar forum at the school’s Capitol Hill campus on October 26.
The two OPC employees spoke to students about their academic backgrounds, their work as investigators with OPC, and how their Latino heritage shaped their careers. Students also had the opportunity to hear from several other professionals in a variety of fields.
“This was a great opportunity for OPC staff members to serve as role models and share information about the work of the agency, all the while conducting outreach to a diverse and growing segment of the population in Washington, D.C.” said Philip K. Eure, OPC’s executive director.
OPC also conducts its Student Interactive Training (SIT) program at Cesar Chavez throughout the year. The SIT program facilitates positive interactions between young people and Metropolitan Police Department officers, with an emphasis on educating students about their constitutional rights.
For more information on OPC, visit our website at www.policecomplaints.dc.gov or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/OfficeofPoliceComplaints.