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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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Executive Director’s Letter

Welcome to the website of the Office of Police Complaints (OPC). OPC, which is overseen by the five-member Police Complaints Board, is a District of Columbia government agency that investigates police misconduct complaints filed by the public against Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and DC Housing Authority Office of Public Safety (OPS) officers. OPC has its own staff of trained and experienced investigators and is not part of either MPD or OPS.

OPC has the authority to investigate a variety of complaints including harassment, the use of unnecessary or excessive or force, discriminatory treatment, the use of language or conduct that is insulting, demeaning, or humiliating, and retaliation for filing a complaint with OPC. Our complaint form, which is available in 14 languages, can be downloaded from our website under file a complaint. OPC also has a mediation program that allows the complainant and the subject officer to meet face-to-face to try to resolve some complaints. Mediation has successfully resolved three quarters of the complaints that have been referred into the process. You may view mediation examples.

To promote better policing, OPC also makes information available on its website concerning its policy recommendations and community outreach programs.

Thank you for visiting OPC's website. I hope that you will find our site useful and will check back frequently for updated content in the News Room and on our Facebook page.


Michael G. Tobin
Executive Director