How to File a Complaint
The Office of Police Complaints (OPC) provides a variety of ways to file a police misconduct complaint. A completed, signed complaint form must be received within 90 days of the date of the incident. Please note that OPC only has jurisdiction over incidents that occur in the District of Columbia and involve Metropolitan Police Department (Washington, D.C.) and D.C. Housing Authority Police Department officers.
OPC investigatives the following allegations: harassment; use of unnecessary or excessive force; use of language or conduct that is insulting, demeaning, or humiliating; discriminatory treatment; retaliation for filing a complaint with OPC; and failure to wear or display required identification or identify oneself by name and badge number when requested to do so by a member of the public.
File a complaint online by clicking here. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to file a complaint with OPC.
You can also download a complaint form. Forms can be submitted:
- By email at [email protected] (scan and attach to email)
- Mail to 1400 I Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
- By fax to (202) 727-9182
- By dropping forms off at any MPD district station (MPD will forward the complaint to OPC)
- In person at OPC's office located at 1400 I Street, NW, Suite 700
- At any Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) district station
For more information, call (202) 727-3838, M-F, 8:30 - 5 p.m. or toll-free anytime at 866-588-0569.
You can also contact or pick up a complaint form or brochure at one of our Community Partner locations listed below:
- American Civil Liberties Union of the District of Columbia
(202) 457-0800; [email protected]
- American Friends Service Committee
1822 R St., NW, First Floor
(202) 544-0324; [email protected]
- Briya Public Charter School
www.briya.org4300 13th Street, NW (temporary location)
[email protected]
(202) 797-7337;
- Central American Resource Center
1460 Columbia Rd., NW, Suite C-1
(202) 328-9799; [email protected]
- Covenant House Washington
2001 Mississippi Ave., SE
(202) 610-9600
- DC Anti-Violence Project
2000 14th St., NW, Suite 105(202) 682-2245; [email protected]
DC Office of Human Rights
441 4th St., NW, Suite 570N
(202) 727-4559; [email protected]
DC SAFE (Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment)
500 Indiana Avenue, NW Room 4550, (Intake Center at DC Superior Court); 202-879-0720
1328 Southern Avenue, SE Room 311 (Intake Center at United Medical Center); 202-561-3000
[email protected]
- Greater Washington Urban League
2901 14th St., NW
(202) 265-8200
- Latin American Youth Center
1419 Columbia Rd., NW
(202) 319-2225; [email protected]
- Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
1331 H Street, NW, Suite 350
(202) 628-1161
- Mayor's Office on African Affairs
2000 14th St., NW, Suite 401
(202) 727-5634
- Mayor's Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs
441 4th St., NW, Suite 721 North
(202) 727-3120; [email protected]
- Mayor's Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Affairs
2000 14th St., NW, Second Floor
(202) 727-9493; [email protected]
- Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs
2000 14th St., NW, Second Floor
(202) 671-2825; [email protected]
- NAACP DC Branch
1000 U Street, NW, Suite 100
(202) 667-1700; [email protected]
- Washington Area Bicyclist Association
2599 Ontario Rd. NW
(202) 518-0524
- Washington English Center (Located in Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church)
2200 California Street, NW
(202) 387-2222; [email protected]
- Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs
(202) 319-1000; [email protected]
Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
1200 U St., NW
(202) 328-5500
The primary goal of OPC is to investigate and resolve allegations of police misconduct against MPD and OPS officers. However, the agency is also charged with reducing tension between police and the public by fostering increased communication and understanding. Consistent with this goal, OPC offers citizens the opportunity to commend officers who do exemplary work servicing the public.
If you have witnessed an officer doing something that deserves praise and you would like to submit a commendation, you may fill out a commendation form on MPD’s website.
Once completed, the commendation form will be sent by MPD to the officer’s supervisor, shown to the commended officer, and placed permanently in the officer’s personnel file. Please include as much of the requested information as possible so that the commendation can be received by the appropriate officer.