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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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2012 Complaint Examiner Decisions

The following decisions have been issued by complaint examiners resolving complaints filed with the Office of Police Complaints:

Complaint Number Decision Date Harassment Excessive Force Language/
Discrimination Retaliation Failure to Identify
08-0591 February 9, 2012 Sustained - - - - -
09-0227 February 9, 2012 Sustained - - - - -
10-0015 February 9, 2012 - - Sustained - - -
Subject Officer #1
April 19, 2012 Exonerated - - - - -
Subject Officer #2
April 19, 2012 Unfounded - - - - -
10-0379 May 27, 2012 - - - - - -
10-0506 June 4, 2012 Sustained - Sustained - - -
08-0416/08-0418 June 8, 2012 Sustained (Complainant #1 and #2) Sustained (Complainant #2)        
10-0228 June  21, 2012 Sustained   Sustained - - -
06-0393 (FRP) June  27, 2012 Upheld Upheld - - - -
10-0397 July 23, 2012 Sustained - - - - -
Subject Officer #1
July 27, 2012 Sustained Sustained Sustained - - Sustained
Subject Officer #2
July 27, 2012 Sustained/
- Sustained - - Sustained
Subject Officer #3
July 27, 2012 Sustained/ Unfounded - Sustained - - Sustained
09-0169 August 27, 2012 Sustained - - Sustained - -
09-0316 September 24, 2012 Sustained - - - - -
11-0097 September 25, 2012 - - Sustained - - -
09-0388 October 12, 2012 - Sustained - - - Sustained
10-0119 October 15, 2012 Sustained - - - - -
08-0394 November 19, 2012 Exonerated Exonerated - - - -
December 3, 2012 Sustained - Sustained - - -


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