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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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2006 Complaint Examiner Decisions

The following decisions have been issued by complaint examiners resolving complaints filed with the Office of Police Complaints.

Complaint Number Decision Date Harassment Excessive Force Language/Conduct Discrimination Retaliation
05-0262 February 9, 2006 Sustained - Sustained - -
05-0228 February 23, 2006 - - Sustained - -
02-0361 March 2, 2006 - - Sustained Sustained -
03-0410  March 2, 2006 Sustained - - - -
03-0525 May 4, 2006 Sustained - Sustained - -
03-0313 May 5, 2006 Sustained - Sustained - -
 04-0132 June 24, 2006 Sustained Sustained/Unfounded Sustained - -
 05-0373 July 14, 2006 - - Unfounded - -
 04-0055 August 22, 2006 Sustained Insufficent Facts Insufficent Facts Unfounded -
05-0375 September 10, 2006 - - Sustained - -
October 10, 2006 Sustained in Part Exonerated Sustained - -
 05-0455 November 23, 2006 Exonerated - - - -
05-0372 December 8, 2006 - - Sustained Exonerated -


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