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Police Complaints Board Releases Report on D.C Police and Housing Authority Police Departments’ Response to Policy Recommendations

Thursday, February 1, 2018
Report provides the status of five reports and 21 recommendations

WASHINGTON, DC – The District of Columbia’s Police Complaints Board (PCB), the governing body of the Office of Police Complaints (OPC), today released a report to the Council of the District of Columbia regarding the implementation status of policy recommendations and reports made by the Board to the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the District of Columbia Housing Authority Police Department (DCHAPD) since Fiscal Year 2015.

Since its inception, the PCB has issued 44 policy recommendations and reports.  The recommendations address large-scale concerns about District law enforcement policies, training, or supervision.  The reports, however address substantive or procedural law enforcement matters.

Throughout the year, OPC reviews the actions taken by Mayor Muriel Bowser, the Council, and/or the MPD and DCHAPD police chiefs in response the PCB recommendations.  The Council recently recommended that OPC conduct an analysis of all the policy recommendations and reports issued by the PCB since FY15.

As result, OPC reviewed five reports and 21 separate recommendations issued in FY15 and 16.  OPC found that of the 21 recommendations, 13 have been fully implemented, six partially implemented and three not implemented. 

“Implementation of the PCB and OPC’s policy recommendations can considerably improve community trust in our police departments,” said Michael G. Tobin, OPC’s executive director.  “Addressing areas of concerns affecting police misconduct is something that must be done on a consistent basis in order for the trust to be maintained.”

For more information about this report and OPC’s findings, visit