(Washington, DC) – The Office of Police Complaints (OPC) recently welcomed its 2013 class of summer interns and law clerks.
Since the agency’s inception, 123 college and law students have participated in OPC’s internship program. Those selected gain practical experience in either investigations, public affairs, or the legal aspects of police accountability.
OPC’s internship program also provides students with a three-week training session focusing on the agency’s mission, jurisdiction, investigative process, and community outreach efforts.
“Our internship program is an excellent way for students to learn about citizen oversight of the police,” said Philip K. Eure, OPC’s executive director. “Participation in our program also helps students develop critical thinking skills all the while furthering police accountability in the nation’s capital.”
This summer’s interns are:
Jelani Marks – rising senior, Florida A&M University
Ashley Marsh – recent graduate, University of Baltimore
Public Affairs
Kandis Wallace – recent graduate, Howard University
Brandon Toth – rising third year, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Emily Crocker – rising third year, Willamette University College of Law
Internships are offered in the spring, summer, and fall. For more information about OPC’s internship program, visit our website at www.policecomplaints.dc.gov.