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office of police complaints

Office of Police Complaints

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2018 Complaint Examiner Decisions

Complaint Number Decision Date Harassment Excessive Force Language / Conduct Discrimination Retaliation  Failure to Identify
17-0578 March 12, 2018 Sustained - - - - Unfounded

Subject Officer #1 and #2

March 22, 2018 - - Sustained / Unfounded - - -

17-0276 & 17-0359
Subject Officer #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,  and #7

April 2, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
Subject Officer #1, #2, #3, and #4
April 4, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
17-0102 & 17-0104 April 9, 2018 Sustained - Insufficient Facts - - -
17-0243 April 24, 2018 - - Sustained - - -
Subject Officer #1 & #2
April 25, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
17-0388 April 30, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
18-0221 May 29, 2018 - - - - - Sustained
17-0425 June 6, 2018 Unfounded - - - - -
17-0276 & 17-0359 (FRP)
Subject Officer #1
July 11, 2018 Upheld - - - - -
17-0276 & 17-0359 (FRP)
Subject Officers #2, #3 & #4
July 11, 2018 Reversed - - - - -
18-0331 July 25, 2018 Sustained - Sustained - - -

Subject Officers #1 & #2

July 27, 2018 - - - - Sustained -
18-0058 August 2, 2018 - - Sustained - - -
Subject Officers #1, #2 & #3
August 13, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
Subject Officers #1
September  14, 2018 Sustained - - - - Sustained
Subject Officer #2
September 14, 2018 Sustained - - - Sustained Sustained
17-0673 September 14, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
Subject Officer #1
November 26, 2018 Sustained - - - - -
Subject Officer #2
November 26, 2018 Sustained - Sustained - - -
18-0468 December 20, 2018 - - Sustained - - -